Month: September 2016

  • Fall Frittata with Crispy Potatoes and Soy Chorizo

    In New York, Fall is here and gone before we even realize the weather has changed. Mornings with a hint of sunny heat and just right breeze get away from us faster than we’d like. Frittatas stretch those mornings a little longer. Fast to make. Ready to take on whatever’s in the refrigerator. Delicious to […]

  • Kale Sprouts with Spices and Lemon

    Kale and Brussels Sprouts. Kale Sprouts. What miracle of heaven occurred to bring two of my favorite vegetables together? I don’t want to know. I just want to eat as many of them as possible as quickly as possible. There could be worse things…I think (see above that I don’t want to know how this […]